COVID Safety Protocols

Updated Aug. 8, 2022

Symptoms: Please keep the child home if showing any symptoms listed. Children are only permitted back to school with proof of a negative COVID test. If symptoms are indicative of a chronic concern, a letter from a physician would be helpful.. 

Symptoms can include:

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Should a child demonstrate symptoms while at school they will be moved to the room with a cot and a teacher will wait with them until a parent can come to pick them up. 

Due to COVID safety protocols please do not enter the Wesley building for drop-off or pick-up.

8:30 am Drop-Off

Staff will meet children by the bridge entrance (Wesley parking lot accessible off Goodwin Ave). Parents can park their cars in the lot and walk their children up to meet the teachers at the bridge. Each child must be checked in by parents on the daily attendance log.

Children will be brought inside by staff. Temperatures will be checked and recorded by staff. Staff will document the parent's report of symptom screening. Children will be kept separate according to classroom. Children will have their hands washed, and taken outside to the playground or into the classroom.

If you arrive after the receiving teachers have gone inside please call the school and someone will come up and meet you.

12:00-12:15 pm Pickup

Parents should wait at the bridge entrance. Classes will be kept separate while waiting for pickup.

Children will be brought outside by staff. Each child must be signed out with your signature and time of departure in the daily attendance log.


Masks: Masks are required by all children, staff, and visitors at all times until otherwise noted. Please include two extra clean masks in your child’s backpack each day in case their first mask becomes wet or otherwise soiled. Please ensure your child’s masks fit well and cover both their noses and mouths.

Temperature Checks: All staff and students will have their temperature taken before entering the building every day. Any visitors will have their temperatures taken.

Vaccinations: COVID vaccinations are required for all staff and encouraged for all students and family members as they become eligible. COVID vaccinations are available for children under 5 at the Health Department and doctor’s offices. Flu vaccines are also strongly encouraged.

Disinfecting: High touch areas will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Ventilation: Windows will be open as possible, and HEPA air purifiers will be running in both classrooms.

Testing: As part of our layered approach to COVID prevention and the rise in Omicron, families are strongly encouraged to have their children tested regularly. Negative test results are required prior to the start of the school year, following large group gatherings (more than 20 attendees), following holiday breaks, following any out-of-state travel, and following family member illness with COVID-like symptoms. Tests are available free of charge through CVS, Walgreens, and some other testing locations. Should this not prove convenient for certain families, we will also accept results of the at-home tests. Test results can be emailed to the school (screenshots will suffice provided the child’s name, date, and test result are all shown). Tests should be done no more than 4 days before coming back to school. CUPHD has an excellent round-up of available testing.

Potential exposure: In the case of any positive cases, Campus Cooperative Preschool will follow all directions and guidance from CUPHD.

Please follow the exclusion list from the ISBE when deciding on whether to keep the child home. 

What to do if…

If someone in the household is ill everyone must stay home until an alternate diagnosis is confirmed.

If one household member is being evaluated for COVID-19 or displays symptoms of COVID-19, all members of the household who are not fully vaccinated must be quarantined until an alternative diagnosis is made or a negative test result is received.

If someone in the household is quarantining because they have been identified as a close contact the rest of the people who live there do not need to quarantine.

Contacts of a person who is a close contact to a COVID-19 case do not need to self-quarantine unless they develop symptoms or if the person identified as the close contact develops COVID-19. 

Cohorting/Distancing: Attempts will be made to separate Preschool and Pre-K students into two separate cohorts. As such, should a preschool student test positive, while fellow preschool students will likely need to quarantine, Pre-K is more likely to be safe. Due to the age of the children, keeping them a minimum of 3 feet apart at all times, is not a likely scenario. Attempts will be made to keep the children distanced when feasible (particularly when masks are removed for eating), but continually separating children would likely impact the significant positive benefits of play, and therefore will not be done in excess.